long overdue re-introduction

My Dear Animals:

Whether you arrived here of your own free will or were somehow otherwise compelled, welcome to my blorg / newsletter.

It’s been a rough couple of years for me, creative-writing-wise. Actually, has it though? I did finish my cyberpunk magnum opus The White Shadow just as summer 2023 came to a close. I submitted it to my new publisher, 4HorsemenPublications, or at least I thought I did. Turns out it was a six-month-long brain fart bubbling and percolating, a result of my inattention-type ADHD I think. It was a different book I submitted in June after all, the long-awaited second part of the Animal in Man: Ferocious Heart.

These things are in the works!

Stick with me for a bit and you’ll hear when these works are available. More news & updates to come.
